Baron Jean Mesnilgarin
Thanks for trying!
I remember that here was the same caption under a girls classroom, so it is not specific to this particular boys class(room); I haven’t found any other hint. It’s in Boston, so we could infer that there may a relation with steamers as steam-boats/ships; what kind of relation would that be, I don’t know.
That was indeed the location I had found browsing Streetview – luckily for me there is barely more than 1 historical street in the town, as I ‘visited’ all other possible street parts before the right one :-)
Thank you very much for the website, it’s very informative.
Concerning the building in the corner, I thought it had just been revamped a bit, but I now believe that its whole facade has been rebuilt. The top is different, the 2 corniches have disappeared, and yet the modern facade is homogenous (it’s doesn’t show signs of additions, removals from different eras). In fact, I think that the present window is not as tall as it was, and we are fooled because it was made in the same style as the old one.
If so, the 2nd building from the corner would be the only one, the facade of which has not been rebuilt in the past century.