Hill News was the newspaper published by the students of St-Lawrence University, in Canton (NY).


New Method of Punishing Disobedient Frosh to Be Tried Out – Clipping of Hair is Severest Penalty

Paddling has been abolished at St. Lawrence!

That is the decree of the Campus Council handed down at an upper classman meeting held in Fisher Hall, Saturday afternoon.

For the past three years there has been more or less comment about this mean of punishment for the erring Frosh. On the introduction of Sophomore supremacy in 1922, the class of '24, then in power as Sophomores, tried the scheme of making the violators ridiculous in the sight of the rest of the College. This plan fell through mainly because those punished were made class idols and were held as martyrs by the rest of the class. With the failure of this plan, resort to paddling was again forced. When a return to Campus Council rule was made necessary the institution of paddling was again talked over, but as no substitute could be found paddling was still continued.

Last year the Campus Council was again faced with the difficulties resulting from this form of punishment when one of the Frosh refused to be paddled. When actions against him was taken, a member of the Board of Trustees of the College backed him up in his case. The Hill News was filled with discussions on the topic and other campus organizations attempted a solution of the difficulty. Several substitute methods were used but failed and a return to paddling was made when the new Campus Council came into being. However, ever since the trouble last year the Council has had its mind on some form of punishment which would not rouse the displeasure of those in authority, but which would have as much weight behind it as the old form of punishment had.

As a result of their findings the Council has instituted a new idea,– that of court meting out regular punishments for each offense committed. This form of regulation has been turned over to an investigating committee and final results will be drawn up within a very short time.

At the last vigilance party held Sunday evening, several underclassmen were brought up and penalized according to their misdemeanors. Confinement to rooms, extra Freshman work, and clipping of hair were the most common penalties meted out to the unruly underclassmen present. It is expected that these are to be the principal forms of punishment in the future under the court idea, as they seem to have proved their efficiency already in the recent try-out.

After this discussion in the upper classmen meeting Saturday was over, the idea of an organization parallel to the W.S.G.A. to include just the men of the College was discussed. The purpose of this organization would be the discussion of various college activities and the solution of certain problems which are strictly masculine such as the one at present before the upper classmen.

Here is the Wikipedia page about Overland Automobile cars. It does not contains detailed information about the models or even the full list of models, but I guess that’s a starting point anyway.